So I cleaned out our computer/junk/storage room yesterday and somewhere between forcing the door open against the piles behind it and finding the long since forgotten floor – I discovered my sewing machine. I bought her about 6 years ago, I had great intentions and visions of flowing curtains and as per usual a desperate need for instant gratification. Did I mention that I could possibly be described as impulsive, that sometimes I just buy things, and then I have these things and then I abandon these things? My self control in that area has improved somewhat with age, but the sewing machine came during a particularly weak period.
The timing is great, due to the inspiration of an old dear friend, my interest in my sewing machine is renewed. I really feel the itch to make and create and try my hand once again. That said, I don’t remember how to sew. It'not like i've forgotten the art over these 6 years, I didn’t really know how to sew when I bought the darn thing. I took a class once, 1 semester – in high school – to fill an empty slot. I did enjoy it, heck I even made a dress – I still have it – I couldn’t get into it – not even on a dare.
I am hoping that sewing is akin to riding a bicycle, that with a little refreshing, some steadying, maybe a push or 2, I can get right back on. We shall see.