All these newfangled social networking sites have opened up so many doors for so many people. I'd love to have an actual count of the jobs created by FaceBook alone. I mean "Head of Social Networking Department"?? Congrats and all, but what the heck is that??
While Facebook and my long abandoned MySpace page have not opened up an new career doors for me - they have given me a reconnection to my past that I would have missed out on and I am incredibly thankful.
Just last year I commissioned a dear old friend of mine who I haven't seen in at least 15 years to create a most beautiful piece of artwork for me...
I can only share a little piece of it as I have not yet picked it up and I am practicing some serious self control in not calling her right this very moment so that she can send me a full picture of this beautiful thing!
She is a fantastic talent - check her out if you don't believe me - and I am forever grateful to be in touch with her again.
Just a week or so back I was able to spend half of a lazy Friday with a friend I hadn't seen in at least 20 years! Now, besides making me feel like an ancient being, that just seems crazy! We had a wonderful lunch of Hummus and Buffalo Burgers and shrimp tacos at a laundry mat attached to a car wash. (It's called The Cove and it is glorious!!) Then we spent an hour at the Pearl Brewery acting like the silly kids we used to be....Enjoying the scenery...

Peeking in at the culinary arts students...

Crashing parties we weren't invited to...

Goofing around...
Train hopping...

Trespassing on other people's property...

Posing with good friends...

Excuse the lack of me in these pictures, but I am a behind the camera kind of gal!
It was a great time and I look forward to many more new memories with old friends.
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